Cloud DNS

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If this is your domain name, please visit this page to see how to register it as DNS zone into your account.

Note: If you already have registered the DNS zone for your domain name, please wait for DNS propagation. Your web site will be displayed soon. It may take few minutes.

* Do you know what the Round-Robin DNS is?

Suggested article from our blog: What is Round-Robin DNS and how to set it up?

Round-Robin DNS explained

It is quite simple, really. Round-Robin DNS is a method for load balancing. It can handle incoming DNS requests and answer them differently, depending on the time of the requests. If it is set with A records, it will show a different A record to each user, depending on the time of his or her query.

Here you can find Round-Robin example configuration!

How does it work?

The end result is a point (the Round-Robin DNS) that redirects traffic to different hosts and lower the demand of a single host.

People usually use Round-Robin DNS with A or AAAA records, but it can also work with ALIAS DNS records. You can’t use it with CNAME records, because you can have only one for a domain.

The setup process is very easy, so many people prefer to use it over other load balancing methods.

You can find a full Round-Robin DNS definition HERE!